Lunch Money


I stood next to the orange tree just a couple of tree rows from the road. It was a beautiful warm southern calfornia afternoon and I was dealing with one of the side effects of an afternoon at the park and just a few too many cold beers. I really had to pee and there was no waiting till getting home. I never heard a sound. I just noticed movement next to me. There she was, my daugher of 31/2. Her mother had sent her from the car to join me. She never hesitated. Just took off her panties and joined me as we christened this spot. I remember the smile as she looked up at me with no understanding of the somewhat bizzar scene of father and daughter standing in the orchard, taking a pee together. Instant bonding. That was twenty two years ago.

Christmas night 2002, We sat on the couch together as she tried to give me a peek into her world. Templates, html code, web page layout, I think I got about half of it. She was patient. I was attentive. And to the stranger it would not look as odd as I believe it was as the old man tried to grasp some of what this blogging might be about as I marvel at the ease with which she danced over the keyboard. As easy as peeing next to an orange tree . Re-bonding.

The next day a whirl wind afternoon and off she went on a plane bound for Australia and a new chapter in her life. And for me, as I deal with a myriad of emotions from joy to emptiness, from exitiment to sorrow, from pride to fear, for me ---re-bounding.


Hello. I am helping my dad learn a little more about this fascinating practice, enjoying a pleasant Christmas evening in front of a laptop together. Ain't technology grand?

- Andrea

I have a new look, blog look, that is, thanks to my daughter. Wish she could reprogram the rest of my body that way. ;-) A special Christmas for me, as Andrea heads out on a new adventure in her life, and my oldest daughter Mary gets her Christmas wish of her first home for her family.

Merry Christmas to all.


While I ponder how I want to enter the world of blogging, here's how to reach me if anyone out there has some words of advice for a slghtly confused middle aged, middle class novice to the realm of blogging.

My favorite quote will perhaps help me move forward with this new chapter in my life

"Willie" Shakespear said; " our doubts are our traitors, they keep us from the good we oft might find by fearing to attempt."