Lunch Money


The most righteous

I read idea this somewhere and really like the premise.

All religions are really transactional. In almost every religion there is a sort of contract between the believer and the deity. So, I pose this question to my religious friends. If a Christian is living a good life by doing the right things, and not harming others because he is promised a wonderful after life in heaven by doing so. Or a Muslim is living a good a good life by doing the right things, and not harming others because he is promised a wonderful after life in paradise by doing so. Or a Buddhist is living a good life by doing the right things, and not harming others because he is promised to be born repeatedly and eventually attain Nirvana by doing so. Or an atheist is living a good a good life by doing the right things, and not harming others because he just feels better living that way.

Who is the most righteous?

I believe none are more righteous because it is not what you believe but what you do that matters.

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